环境、社会、经济 — 可持续发展的思维和行动在众多领域都能产生积极影响。 我们的文章能够提供有关可持续发展的生态、经济和社会方面的各种有趣案例和建议。  

A middle-aged man with dark grey hair, wearing a dark suit, white shirt and light blue tie

Carbon: poised to become the world's most traded asset class?

Michael Azlen, founder and CEO of Carbon Cap Management, explores the evolving role of carbon markets in shaping global climate agreements, while sharing his insights on innovative investment strategies and risk management opportunities.
A middle-aged man with dark hair stands at a lectern and speaks.

"A gigantic transformation process"

H.S.H. Prince Max von und zu Liechtenstein, Chairman LGT, discusses the pivotal role of education in addressing climate change and shares his vision for the evolution of impact investing in the decades ahead.
Many people are walking in both directions in an urban, tree-lined pedestrian area.

Urban living with climate change

The majority of the world's population lives in cities. As a result, urban centres must find innovative ways to respond to rising temperatures and water insecurity.
In lush tropical vegetation, a person climbs a tree to harvest small dark red berries.

Biomass - the green alternative to fossil fuels

It sounds too good to be true: a sustainable power source that replaces fossil fuel for industrial heat generation, while keeping bio waste out of landfill and reducing pollution. This is biomass - the carbon-neutral fuel for a sustainable future.
A modern two-storey wooden house nestled in a jungle-like forest, peacefully bathed in morning light.

Of nature for nature: modified wood

Modify fast-growing softwood to make it durable and as pleasing to the eye as tropical hardwood. That's the mission of Kebony, a Norway-based "nature tech" boutique that has drawn the interest of architects, construction companies and consumers. Private investors have come on board too...
Mountainous landscape with pines and other trees

European forests and the battle against climate change

On land, forests are the largest storehouses of carbon. This places the forest industry at the forefront of the battle against climate change. From seedlings to cultivation to high-tech innovations, the European forest industry is rising to this challenge.
Satellite image of a hurricane

Will AI be the key to climate adaptation?

The market for climate adaptation is growing fast, also thanks to AI. But it also faces a number of challenges.
Two activists stick a plaster on a balloon that looks like an earth.

What's behind Earth Overshoot Day?

In seven months, humanity has used what earth takes twelve months to regenerate. What this means, why Earth Overshoot Day used to be in December in 1971, and what it tells us about countries.
Young woman in her fashion studio

Hongkong: Von globaler Textilindustrie zur nachhaltigen Mode?

The fashion industry is struggling with an immense CO2 footprint. A look at Hong Kong, where startups, NGOs and associations are pointing the way to a more sustainable fashion world.




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