Sustainability report 2023 Responsibility and engagement

At LGT, we feel it is our responsibility to help tackle global, pressing challenges such as climate change. Our sustainability reporting reflects how we are proactively engaging to achieve change. 

Sustainability report 2023
Sustainability report 2023

LGT has consistently expanded its sustainability reporting since we began reporting on the issue in 2012. Recently, regulators established new standards to harmonise reporting of sustainability.  

Though the new standards are not yet in force, LGT is electing to already report in accordance with them for the year 2023. This reflects our commitment to responsibility and engagement for our clients, employees, our owner and other stakeholders. 

Sustainability information 2023
Private Banking

Sustainability information

LGT Group reporting in accordance with European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS), the European Union Taxonomy for sustainable activities. It includes LGT Private Banking’s Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) Report. 

Nachhaltigkeitsbericht 2023
Private Banking

Sustainability at LGT

What LGT is doing to contribute to solving major global challenges. 

Principles for Responsible Banking Report
Private Banking

Principles for Responsible Banking Report

LGT Private Banking’s Principles for Responsible Banking (PRB) Report. 

Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation SFDR-PAI
Private Banking

Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation SFDR-PAI

LGT Private Banking considers Principal Adverse Sustainability Impacts Statement (PAI) of its investment decisions and investment advice on sustainability factors.  

Stewardship bei der LGT 2023
Private Banking

Stewardship Report

An overview of LGT Group’s activities as a responsible steward of investments.

Sustainability strategy    

At LGT, we feel it is our responsibility to help tackle the climate crisis, biodiversity loss and other major, pressing challenges the world faces today. Our goals and our progress towards them are laid out in our Sustainability Strategy 2030. The strategy’s three pillars are Clients & Investments, Business & Operations and People & Society.  

We view climate change as an especially urgent challenge. So we have also defined a focused Climate Ambition 2030. This includes our net-zero 2030 target for our emissions, and measures to decarbonise client portfolios.   

Facts and figures

Net zero by 2030 - this is the ambitious target we have set ourselves as part of the Climate Ambition 2030. In order to achieve it, we are aligning all areas of the company with a view to sustainability. For many years, we have been working intensively to optimize our consulting, our range of products and services, and our operations in terms of sustainability. We have already achieved some milestones. But there is much more to be done. 

  • 37.4%

    of our assets under administration are invested in sustainable investment solutions.

  • -5.8%

    reduction of energy intensity as of 2023 compared with 2022 (kWh/FTE)

  • 68.7%

    share of renewable energy or district heating energy consumption in 2023

  • 20%

    women in management as of 2023.

LGT and sustainability Thinking long-term is integral to our culture

As a sustainable bank, we take our social and corporate responsibility very seriously.  Learn how we align our thoughts and actions with these responsibilities, what risk and opportunities sustainability poses for investors, and how we plan to reach our ambitious net-zero goal by 2030.
