LGT Media Prize 2024 We congratulate all the winners.

The LGT Media Prize was awarded for the 13th time this year. Our top-class expert jury, consisting of Prof. Dr. Christian Helmenstein, Dr. Franz Schellhorn, Michael Fleischhacker and Komm.-Rat. Ursula Simacek, selected the following three winning entries from more than 60 submissions.

An exceptional mix of outstanding entries

Erich Brenner won the print category with his article "Challenges of the global economy", published in the magazine GEWINN extra. Jury member Dr. Franz Schellhorn: "With his extremely analytical and comprehensive analysis of the current situation, Erich Brenner sheds light on the intense subsidy and predatory competition between the USA and China and relentlessly exposes the resulting challenges for Europe. He emphasizes the need for Europe to rely on its innovative strength and reduce its dependence on critical raw materials and products. "

In the New Media category, the quintet Markus Hauer, David Freudenthaler, Anja Drechsler, Lucija Vukman and Melanie Klug came out on top. With their entry "Eco Shorts: Why is gold suddenly worth so much?", published by Die Presse Online. In his laudatory speech, jury member Michael Fleischhacker said: "In their entry, this year's winners have succeeded perfectly in reducing a very complex and recurring topic to its essence without simplifying it."

The prize for this year's focus topic "Influence of artificial intelligence on the economy of tomorrow" goes to Adrian Lobe for his article "Die unsichtbare Hand 2.0", published in Die Furche. Jury member and laudator for the article Dr. Christian Helmenstein: "In his article, Adrian Lobe has succeeded in transposing a historical episode into the present day. The focus is on the meeting of two men who could hardly be more different. One laid the theoretical foundations for the prosperity of nations, while the other, with the steam engine, laid the foundations for the practical implementation of the idea of how prosperity grows from productivity progress. Today, we are experiencing a similar transformation through the development of artificial intelligence."


A look back: LGT Media Prize 2023 The best from more than 40 entries

More than 40 journalists from all over Austria submitted their best articles for the LGT Media Prize 2023. Our five-member jury selected the three most outstanding articles from among these many exceptional pieces of journalism. We warmly congratulate the prize winners. 

Medienpreis Print - Angela Köckritz

Financial and economic reporting Print

Angela Köckritz

Lieb und teuer

Die Zeit

Angela Köckritz reports in her article “Lieb und teuer” [Dear and expensive] about the financial obligations of young Africans toward their extended family.  

Medienpreis 2022 - Digital Claudia Mann. Julia Zötsch, Hannah Zaunschirm

Financial and economic reporting Digital

Claudia Mann, Julia Zötsch, Hannah Zaunschirm

Was geht – Reich werden mit Krypto?

A1now & Futter: the young people's magazine of the

Kleine Zeitung

In their video "Was geht – Reich werden mit Krypto?" [What works – get rich with crypto?] Claudia Mann, Julia Zötsch and Hannah Zaunschirm explain how cryptocurrencies work in an easy-to-understand and cross-generational way.  

Medienpreis Sonderthema 2022- Helmut Kretzl

Special topic 2022: “Digitization in a financial or economic context."

Helmut Kretzl

Kein Ständchen für R2D2

Salzburger Nachrichten

In his article “Kein Ständchen für R2D2," [No serenade for R2D2] Helmut Kretzl takes a factual look, but always with a smile, at how robots have developed over 100 years – and what will come next. 

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