Concerns and complaints

Your opinion is important to us!

The Austrian branch of LGT Bank AG always endeavors to give its customers the best possible assistance with regard to their concerns, needs and requirements in all areas of banking.

If you are not completely satisfied with the service we provide or would like to make any other suggestions to us, we kindly ask that you advise us accordingly.

Options for voicing your opinion

In the interest of clarifying and handling your complaint swiftly, we kindly ask that you provide us with the relevant information (e.g. customer number, custody account number, order number, etc.).

You can provide your relationship manager with your opinion during the hours in which assistence is offered. Besides this, we offer you the below-mentioned opportunities to communicate with us: 

Further processing 

After transmitting your opinion you will get an acknowledgement. We endeavor to handle your query as swiftly as possible 

Should clarifications of your query last longer, we will inform you and provide a reasoned statement (including an estimated processing period). 

Of course, on your request we can provide you with the current processing status of your query at any time. 

We will communicate our final decision to you in a clear, unambiguous and comprehensible way. If that decision does not fully meet your query, we will explain our final decision in a detailed statement. 

Mail address for concerns and complaints (Processing is done by Compliance):

Joint Conciliation Board of the Austrian Banking Industry 

The Austrian banking industry has established the Joint Conciliation Board for the settlement of certain complaints. This Conciliation Board may be contacted by the customers of any participating credit institution (i.e. also the Austrian branch of LGT Bank AG). 

Joint Conciliation Board of the Austrian Banking Industry 
Wiedner Hauptstrasse 63, 
A-1045 Vienna 
Phone: +43 (0) 1 505 42 98 
Fax: +43 (0) 1 505 44 74 

Online Dispute Resolution website of the European Commission 

Contact us