Concerns and complaints Your opinion is important to us!

We make it our mission to ensure that our clients and business partners are satisfied. Nevertheless, please do not hesitate to get in touch with your relationship manager directly if you do have cause to complain about a service. You can also contact us by mail at the following address:

LGT Bank (Switzerland) Ltd.
Legal department
Glärnischstrasse 36
P.O. Box
CH-8027 Zurich

To ensure we are able to process your complaint efficiently, we require the following information:
-    Relevant information regarding the circumstances (in particular the banking relationship in question)
-    A description of your concern and how you have been affected
-    Your contact details, such as your name and address

All relevant specialist contacts – such as the relationship manager, the Legal department or the Compliance department – are involved in processing and responding to any complaint. We will inform you in writing and/or verbally about the findings of our investigations once we have reviewed your concern.

You can also take your concern to the Swiss Banking Ombudsman (extrajudicial conciliation board), which provides a free and neutral mediation service for settling conflicts between clients and banks ( You will still have the option of instigating civil proceedings with a view to having your claims examined.

Contact us