LGT PB Fund Solutions Ltd. 

LGT PB Fund Solutions Ltd. ("LGT PBFS") has its registered head office in Vaduz. LGT PBFS has a license from the Financial Market Authority Liechtenstein (FMA) to manage Undertakings for Collective Investments in Transferable Securities (UCITS) and a license to manage Alternative Investment Funds (AIF). 

Investor information for download 

Disclaimer: LGT investment solutions and funds open up new opportunities, but also involve risks. Your investment profile is the decisive factor. Discuss your options for investing your money at LGT with a relationship manager. 

Investor Information 

The publication organ for all funds managed by LGT PB Fund Solutions Ltd. is the website of the Liechtenstein Investment Fund Association (www.lafv.li). Up-to-date information on the individual funds can be obtained free of charge via the website www.lafv.li or contact us directly by e-mail lgt.pbfunds@lgt.com. 
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