Que ce soient des start-ups, des entreprises familiales ou des groupes: les entreprises façonnent le monde de demain. Dans la rubrique Entreprenariat, vous apprendrez en quoi l’entreprenariat marque tout autant les entreprises que la société avec des innovations qui concernent notamment les modèles commerciaux et les produits.

Middle-aged man smiling on a dark stage with outstretched arms

"Negotiation starts from the inside out"

William Ury has been at the centre of many of the world’s most intractable conflicts. In this interview, he shares his insights on how to defuse the toughest stand-offs.
In spring, a small castle with red and white shutters nestles among trees and meadows above a lake.

"New forms of work are successful if employees have a say"

New work seems to be an omnipresent topic. Hans Rudolf Maag, Executive Head of the Liechtenstein Academy, explains what new forms of organisation are all about and how they can be successfully implemented.
A bird's eye view of five athletic rowers in a skiff, standing out from the seemingly black surface of the water.

From Agile to Zappos: New organisational models and the companies embracing them

New organisational models are turning the world of work on its head by doing away with bureaucracy and hierarchies, and making room for greater innovation, flexibility and creativity. These changes in the organisational landscape have emerged in response to the evolution of the workplace -...
A diverse group of young people in a modern office building are standing in a circle.

The power of "People First" leadership

"People first" has become a buzzword, a form of corporate lip service that often nods to the importance of employees without offering any action to back it up.
Two young women "ride" on an office chair through an office and radiate great joy.

The revolution taking place at the office

Is New Work a passing fad, or a trend that will shape how companies operate in the future?
Vacant office space with cleaning machine

New work models and the flexitariat: here to stay?

Flexible work models that allow employees to have a say in how they work may be the way of the future. And according to recent studies, they can also have financial benefits for companies.
English teacher stands on top of a desk in a classroom, addressing students who are looking up at him.

Culture vulture: Keeping an eagle eye on culture helps companies soar

"Culture eats strategy for breakfast" is more than a pithy aphorism attributed to management consultant Peter Drucker. It's a philosophy that says that strategy might set the course, but it's the culture - the deeply ingrained ethos of an organisation or team - that navigates its path to success.
Paraplegic patient, center, walks in between Gregoire Courtine, right, and Jocelyne Bloch, left

Jacking into the cortex: The promising future of brain-computer interfaces

New technologies that connect to the human brain promise to help millions of patients with debilitating diseases as well as the world’s growing ageing population.
Musikevent Metaverse

One headset to rule them all

Devices and apps that lure consumers and businesses into a new mixed or virtual reality are years away from gaining traction. But Apple has given the entire space a much-needed boost.

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