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我们的作者将提供他们对重大议题的独到见解,解释前因后果、内外联系,并提供宝贵的背景信息。 我们涉及的主题包括投资策略、生活方式、可持续发展等。 请选择您特别感兴趣的主题。


Sustainable tourism: Leading and lagging in the fight against climate change

Travel and tourism companies can teach us a lot about the power of optimism and innovation, and the dangers of not following through on promises.

A person, seen from behind, sits wearing headphones in front of multiple screens in a dimly lit office.

Cybersecurity - increasing importance, impressive growth potential

The constant rise in cyber-attacks means that robust cybersecurity is no longer a nice-to-have; it's a necessity. This presents growing opportunities for companies in the business of helping organisations to protect themselves.
White plastic chairs form a pile in an empty room.

The Monobloc chair at 50

In a scene from the iconic 1967 movie The Graduate, an older man offers career advice to an aimless new college graduate played by Dustin Hoffman: "One word: Plastics. There's a great future in plastics."
Three young people in casual clothes sit on a wooden footbridge with a view of wooded mountains.

Saving tourism from itself: solutions for a cleaner industry

As visitor numbers rise, the economic benefits of tourism could well be outweighed by the industry's negative environmental impacts. The challenge for policymakers and industry leaders is to present sustainable alternatives that attract the next generation of tourists while preserving the...


