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Artificial intelligence and the art of imitation

The evolution of AI - humankind's attempt to artificially imitate its own intelligence.

Futuristic AI image of a sustainable hotel

Sustainable tourism: Leading and lagging in the fight against climate change

Travel and tourism companies can teach us a lot about the power of optimism and innovation, and the dangers of not following through on promises.
A person, seen from behind, sits wearing headphones in front of multiple screens in a dimly lit office.
Investment strategy

Cybersecurity - increasing importance, impressive growth potential

The constant rise in cyber-attacks means that robust cybersecurity is no longer a nice-to-have; it's a necessity. This presents growing opportunities for companies in the business of helping organisations to protect themselves.
White plastic chairs form a pile in an empty room.

The Monobloc chair at 50

In a scene from the iconic 1967 movie The Graduate, an older man offers career advice to an aimless new college graduate played by Dustin Hoffman: "One word: Plastics. There's a great future in plastics."

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