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Private banking
Market view e Insights
LGT is the largest Private Banking and Asset Management group in the world to be owned by an entrepreneurial family. As the family office of the Princely House of Liechtenstein, we have years of experience in the management of sizeable sums of assets.
Advising the client front office on structured credit solutions in private banking for our international clientele
Analyzing and assessing complex credit requests for private banking clients with a focus on international mortgages, as well as acting as a representative in the area of Lombard loans, risks from derivative positions and the financing of insurance policies
Preparation of loan applications for the responsible committees, stating all relevant decision factors, including assessment of the proposed loan structure, detailed risk assessment and evaluation of collateral
Implementation of approved transactions including documentation, provision of collateral (e.g. mortgage agreements) and data collection
Ongoing monitoring of own credit positions, including the processing of overrun reports of other breaches of contract, with the aim of recognizing negative developments at an early stage and defining risk-mitigating strategies
Monitoring the relevant real estate markets from a credit perspective with regard to price trends, risk factors and market dynamics
Ideally Bachelor's degree in finance or equivalent education
4-5 years of experience in a credit department
Very good German and English skills, French is an advantage
Flair for numbers and good analytical skills
Initiative, flexibility, good communication skills
Quick comprehension and ability to deal with complex situations
La LGT promuove la diversità dei suoi dipendenti. Crediamo che una cultura aziendale inclusiva e apprezzabile sia il motore di un ambiente di lavoro eccellente e offra l'opportunità di creare un team unico e di successo. Ecco perché i nostri dipendenti possono beneficiare di molti altri vantaggi.
La trasparenza è importante per noi. Per questo motivo sul nostro sito web troverete tutto ciò che ci interessa, oltre a tutto ciò che dovreste sapere su di noi prima di incontrarci di persona, aprire un conto o candidarvi per un lavoro. Tra queste, ad esempio, la storia della Famiglia Principesca, che è strettamente intrecciata alla nostra.