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Market View

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LGT Navigator

Mixed US manufacturing data

Two separate surveys of purchasing managers in the US came to contradictory conclusions about the state of factories in the world’s largest economy on Monday, with one showing a strengthening expansion and the other a deepening contraction. The difficult-to-interpret data couldn’t stop Wall...

The Strategist US elections
The Strategist

US elections: Is an early decision emerging or will the race remain close?

With the first presidential debate between US President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump now behind us, it is an opportune time to look at the key campaign promises and the decisive factors for the US election outcome. The debate as such did not reveal new policy directions, but it...
US economy
LGT Navigator

US inflation slows ahead of data-heavy week

Inflation in the US came to a halt on a month-on-month basis, bringing the US Federal Reserve (Fed) closer to its 2% annual inflation target. The news wasn’t enough for Wall Street to hold on to gains in Friday trading. In Europe, Marine Le Pen's anti-immigration National Rally party made...
US workers
LGT Navigator

US economic data confirm economy is slowing

Equity markets in the US barely moved on Thursday after a slew of economic data was released showing cautious spending by businesses and consumers. Traders dug in positions ahead of Friday’s personal consumption expenditures (PCE) data, which could provide clues into the likelihood and timing...


Con i nostri "Insights" desideriamo intrattenervi, ispirarvi, sorprendervi e informarvi. Autori esterni e interni redigono interessanti contributi nei settori economia e finanza come pure arte e società. Date un'occhiata.

Tutti gli articoli di Insights

Investment strategy

How to protect yourself against AI-fuelled misinformation

Artificial intelligence makes it increasingly hard to filter information when making investment decisions. This could lead to disastrous consequences. Fortunately, there are ways to counter the AI challenge and ensure safe outcomes.

A bridge spans the water in a hilly landscape by the sea.
Investment strategy

Recession fears recede, but geopolitics looms large

The global economy has shown remarkable resilience this year, however inflation remains higher than expected, which has led to a re-evaluation of interest-rate forecasts. Turbulence in geopolitics will likely continue, posing difficulties for both financial markets and the world's economy.
A woman in business attire is sitting at a table in a garden, her hands folded in front of her, looking into the camera.
Financial knowledge

Why young people are financially illiterate - and how to change this

Being financially literate is just as important as knowing how to read and write, says Annamaria Lusardi, a leading expert on financial literacy who teaches at Stanford University. Her advice to parents? They should speak openly with their children about money.
Middle-aged man smiling on a dark stage with outstretched arms

"Negotiation starts from the inside out"

William Ury has been at the centre of many of the world’s most intractable conflicts. In this interview, he shares his insights on how to defuse the toughest stand-offs.

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