Fund Competence Center Administrator 80-100% (f/m/d) Bendern (LI)

Trading & Treasury
Full Time (≥ 80%)
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About us

LGT is the largest Private Banking and Asset Management group in the world to be owned by an entrepreneurial family. As the family office of the Princely House of Liechtenstein, we have years of experience in the management of sizeable sums of assets.

Your challenge

We operate in a very dynamic, international environment. Our trading centres in Liechtenstein and Singapore are the points of contact for our relationship managers and handle the orders of our private banking and asset management clients. The diversity of trading products requires us to maintain stable relationships with several hundred trading partners.

In your role as an administrator, you will be responsible for the following tasks:

  • Screening of fund documentation
  • Enrichment fund master data for investment funds incl. hedge funds and alternative investments in the system ProDB (LGT's master data system)
  • Testing of ProDB maintenance windows
  • Internal custodian clean-up
  • System maintenance of Quartal Commission (system for retrocessions)
  • Checking and booking retrocessions
  • Creating various internal statistics in Power Point and Excel
  • Closing reporting for private market transaction
  • Monitoring capital call commitment, incl. monthly reporting to the credit department

Your profile

Your profile:

  • Completed banking training or equivalent school education
  • Several years of professional experience in the securities sector an advantage
  • Sound fund expertise is an advantage
  • Very good written and spoken German and English skills
  • MS Office (Word, Power Point, Excel) knowledge
  • Structured, independent and accurate work as well as a quick grasp of new ideas
  • Good communication and teamwork skills

LGT's success is based on its core values, the Group-wide and partnership-based cooperation of entrepreneurial teams and a flat hierarchy with short decision-making paths. LGT's continued growth opens up long-term personal and professional development opportunities in a challenging and dynamic environment.

Please note that we cannot consider applications via recruitment agencies for this position.

Vantaggi della LGT

La LGT promuove la diversità dei suoi dipendenti. Crediamo che una cultura aziendale inclusiva e apprezzabile sia il motore di un ambiente di lavoro eccellente e offra l'opportunità di creare un team unico e di successo. Ecco perché i nostri dipendenti possono beneficiare di molti altri vantaggi.

Famiglia e lavoro

  • Diversi modelli di lavoro flessibile  
  • Congedo sabbatico 
  • Almeno 25 giorni di ferie annuali, a seconda dell'età
  • Possibilità di usufruire di permessi speciali retribuiti  
  • Congedo di maternità e di paternità, possibilità di usufruire di ulteriore congedo parentale
  • Sussidi per il centro diurno "Villa Wirbelwind"
  • Contributo aggiuntivo per la cura dei figli per l'assistenza esterna retribuita di bambini fino a 12 anni

Crescere insieme

  • Corsi interni 
  • Corsi esterni offerti dalla Liechtenstein Academy 
  • Assistenza per la formazione esterna e il perfezionamento professionale 
  • Programmi di coaching e di mentoring 
  • Incarichi internazionali 
  • Programmi di imprenditività  

La vostra salute

  • Programma di promozione della salute e del benessere dei dipendenti  
  • Programma di promozione dell'attività fisica e dello sport 
  • Giornata settimanale della frutta, opzioni pasti sani 
  • Spogliatoio con docce 
  • Sale relax  

Vi sentite indirizzati? Allora compilate semplicemente la domanda online. Saremo lieti di conoscervi.


Corina Hohl

Corina Hohl

HR Recruiter
LGT Gruppe Holding AG

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