IT-Support Spezialist 80% - 100% (f/w/d) with deputy function Zurich (CH)

Information Technology
Full Time (≥ 80%)
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About us

LGT is the world’s largest family-owned and managed Private Banking and Asset Management Group. For more than 100 years it has been fully owned and managed by the Princely House of Liechtenstein, which is also one of our biggest clients.
With around 600 employees, LGT Bank Switzerland has established itself as a renowned Swiss private bank and is an excellent address for both wealthy private clients and employees - this was also confirmed last year by the independent institute "Great Place To Work", which awarded LGT Bank Switzerland the title of one of the best employers in Switzerland.

Your challenge

Together with an experienced and highly motivated team, you will work in the central LGT IT Support Centre of Bank Switzerland, which is responsible for 1st and 2nd level support for over 890 employees. In our multilingual environment, you will be responsible for providing client-oriented, efficient and comprehensive IT support to our internal clients by telephone and via MS teams as well as on site at our Swiss locations. 

You will receive, analyse and solve user problems directly, as part of a team or in collaboration with third parties within the company.

Your varied tasks will also include deputising for the team leader in close cooperation with him/her with the aim of further increasing motivation, efficiency and customer satisfaction. 

Your profile

  • Completed apprenticeship as a computer scientist EFZ or professional apprenticeship with proven further training in the IT sector, possibly higher further training (e.g. business IT specialist)
  • Several years of experience in IT support with management experience
  • High IT affinity, service and quality awareness
  • Solution-oriented thinking in a fast-paced environment with exciting challenges (e.g. AI)
  • Good hardware and comprehensive Microsoft knowledge, including operating systems such as Windows 10 and Windows 11 as well as Microsoft 365 applications and their cloud services
  • Experience in the field of mobile communication (iOS) 
  • Very good written and spoken German and fluent English; other foreign languages (preferably French or Italian) an advantage
  • Enjoyment and passion for work and supporting others
  • Interest in versatile work and broadening personal horizons on a daily basis
  • Willingness to work flexible hours and to travel within Switzerland
  • Category B driving licence

Please note that we cannot consider applications via recruitment agencies for this position.

Vantaggi della LGT

La LGT promuove la diversità dei suoi dipendenti. Crediamo che una cultura aziendale inclusiva e apprezzabile sia il motore di un ambiente di lavoro eccellente e offra l'opportunità di creare un team unico e di successo. Ecco perché i nostri dipendenti possono beneficiare di molti altri vantaggi.

Famiglia e lavoro

  • Diversi modelli di lavoro flessibile  
  • Congedo sabbatico 
  • Almeno 25 giorni di ferie annuali, a seconda dell'età
  • Possibilità di usufruire di permessi speciali retribuiti  
  • Congedo di maternità e di paternità, possibilità di usufruire di ulteriore congedo parentale

La vostra salute

  • Programma di promozione della salute e del benessere dei dipendenti  
  • Classi sovvenzionate (yoga, fitness) 
  • Opzioni pasti sani 
  • Frutta fresca fornita quotidianamente

Incentivi e vantaggi

  • Sconti su prodotti e servizi bancari LGT 
  • Co-investimenti LGT 
  • Sconti su assicurazione sanitaria e immobili  
  • Piano pensionistico con opzioni personalizzate 
  • Svariate iniziative di mobilità/e-mobility  
  • Riconoscimento di importanti eventi nel corso della vita  

Crescere insieme

  • Corsi interni 
  • Corsi esterni offerti dalla Liechtenstein Academy 
  • Assistenza per la formazione esterna e il perfezionamento professionale 
  • Programmi di coaching e di mentoring 
  • Incarichi internazionali 
  • Programmi di imprenditività

Vi sentite indirizzati? Allora compilate semplicemente la domanda online. Saremo lieti di conoscervi.


Corina Hohl

Corina Hohl

HR Recruiter
LGT Gruppe Holding AG

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