KYC Graduate Trainee Singapore (SG)

Full Time (≥ 80%)
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About us

LGT is the largest Private Banking and Asset Management group in the world to be owned by an entrepreneurial family. As the family office of the Princely House of Liechtenstein, we have years of experience in the management of sizeable sums of assets.

Your challenge

In your future role as a KYC Analyst in the Client Onboarding & Review team, we focus on the following tasks:

  • Act as the case manager for Front on new client onboarding requests, provide pre-onboarding advisory relating to account opening requirements including KYC due diligence data collection requirements, helping Front achieve enhanced client experience

  • Perform KYC assessment on prospective bank clients, which includes but not limited to Source of Wealth corroboration, names screening, AML risk assessment etc, to ensure adherence to regulatory requirements and bank policies/directives

  • Perform periodical client file review on existing client

  • Drive and deliver continuous process improvements, in view of the changing operating and regulatory environment

  • Participate in ad hoc project

Your profile

  • A very good bachelor’s degree in Business, Finance or related discipline (within the last 12 months)

  • Ensure screening assessments on potential hits are adequately and properly documented for regulatory and audit purpose

  • Ability to work in a team and willingness to go beyond the usual level of commitment

  • Identification with LGT and its values

  • Interest in a long-term commitment to LGT

Vantaggi della LGT

La LGT promuove la diversità dei suoi dipendenti. Crediamo che una cultura aziendale inclusiva e apprezzabile sia il motore di un ambiente di lavoro eccellente e offra l'opportunità di creare un team unico e di successo. Ecco perché i nostri dipendenti possono beneficiare di molti altri vantaggi.

Crescere insieme

  • Assistenza per la formazione esterna e il perfezionamento professionale 
  • Congedo per studio 

La vostra salute

  • Assicurazione sulla vita e infortuni 
  • Programma di assistenza per i dipendenti 
  • Vantaggi pensionistici 

Incentivi e vantaggi

  • Premi anzianità di servizio 
  • Premi per raccomandazioni personale 

Famiglia e lavoro

  • Congedo parentale 
  • Congedo matrimoniale 
  • Assistenza all'infanzia  
  • Ferie annuali 

Vi sentite indirizzati? Allora compilate semplicemente la domanda online. Saremo lieti di conoscervi.


En Hui Teo

Associate Director, Human Resources
LGT Bank (Singapore) Ltd.

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