Product Owner Generative AI 80-100% (f/m/d) Zurich (CH) Adliswil (CH) Bendern (LI)

Project Management
Full Time (≥ 80%)
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About us

LGT is the largest Private Banking and Asset Management group in the world to be owned by an entrepreneurial family. As the family office of the Princely House of Liechtenstein, we have years of experience in the management of sizeable sums of assets.

Your challenge

As Product Owner, you will assume group-wide product responsibility for the implementation of use cases in the area of GenAI. Your goal is to drive the implementation of Generative AI technologies within LGT and thereby create clear added value for the organization and its clients. In doing so, you will ensure that our GenAI initiatives are in line with our global strategy and meet the specific needs of users in all regions where we operate.

You are responsible for:

  • You will work closely with an agile, interdisciplinary Fusion Team consisting of business representatives from the different regions, dedicated Data Scientists, Compliance as well as experts from the areas of application development, process management, interaction design or quality management.

  • You will be supported by a dedicated Scrum Master & Delivery Manager.

  • You will develop a product vision based on an overarching strategy and continuously evolve it by means of appropriate prioritization. To do this, you are also externally networked and aware of trends and innovations in the field of artificial intelligence.

  • You like to share your progress regularly with management and the rest of the organization and and represent the topic both internally and externally.

  • You involve your clients in all LGT units directly and practically in the development process and the introduction of innovations (e.g. by working with prototypes, surveys or roundtables).

Your profile

To be successful and find joy in this position, you bring the following qualifications:

  • Digitization and the continuous optimization and simplification of processes are close to your heart

  • You enjoy developing a vision for your product, making it concrete and communicating it clearly

  • Solid understanding in the areas of cloud, analytics or GenAI is a prerequisite

  • 5-10 years of specific work experience desired, ideally in the financial industry

  • Experience as a product owner, in the banking environment andand with scaled agile methods is desirable

  • Your team will perceive you as an inspiring and competent voice of the customer

  • Empathy and flair for leadership in team management as well as assertiveness in technical and business stakeholder dialog

  • Very good analytical, conceptual, communication and planning skills

Please note that we cannot consider applications through recruitment agencies for this position.

What we offer

You will have the opportunity to work with a highly competent and experienced team to drive forward the integration of GenAI and thus help shape LGT. You can expect an environment in which highly motivated innovation teams are established and expanded, in which the client focus is upheld and where openness, pragmatism and team spirit characterize a constructive working environment. Flat hierarchies with short decision-making paths are part of our culture. We offer you exciting and long-term development opportunities as well as a challenging and dynamic environment that opens up personal and professional prospects.
We rely on committed and motivated employees. In return, we give you a lot of responsibility and create an environment in which you can contribute your professional knowledge, quality and innovative ideas. Encouraging, recognizing and rewarding personal initiative and performance is a matter of course for us at all levels of the organization. 

Become part of a family - not just a company. Join us and help shape the future of LGT.

Vantaggi della LGT

La LGT promuove la diversità dei suoi dipendenti. Crediamo che una cultura aziendale inclusiva e apprezzabile sia il motore di un ambiente di lavoro eccellente e offra l'opportunità di creare un team unico e di successo. Ecco perché i nostri dipendenti possono beneficiare di molti altri vantaggi.

Famiglia e lavoro

  • Diversi modelli di lavoro flessibile  
  • Congedo sabbatico 
  • Almeno 25 giorni di ferie annuali, a seconda dell'età
  • Possibilità di usufruire di permessi speciali retribuiti  
  • Congedo di maternità e di paternità, possibilità di usufruire di ulteriore congedo parentale

La vostra salute

  • Programma di promozione della salute e del benessere dei dipendenti  
  • Classi sovvenzionate (yoga, fitness) 
  • Opzioni pasti sani 
  • Frutta fresca fornita quotidianamente

Incentivi e vantaggi

  • Sconti su prodotti e servizi bancari LGT 
  • Co-investimenti LGT 
  • Sconti su assicurazione sanitaria e immobili  
  • Piano pensionistico con opzioni personalizzate 
  • Svariate iniziative di mobilità/e-mobility  
  • Riconoscimento di importanti eventi nel corso della vita  

Crescere insieme

  • Corsi interni 
  • Corsi esterni offerti dalla Liechtenstein Academy 
  • Assistenza per la formazione esterna e il perfezionamento professionale 
  • Programmi di coaching e di mentoring 
  • Incarichi internazionali 
  • Programmi di imprenditività

Vi sentite indirizzati? Allora compilate semplicemente la domanda online. Saremo lieti di conoscervi.


Nicole Bider

Nicole Bider

HR Recruiter
LGT Bank (Schweiz) AG

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