Sourcing & Recruitment Coordinator 80-100% (f/m/d) Zurich (CH)

Human Resources
Full Time (≥ 80%)
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About us

LGT is the world’s largest family-owned and managed Private Banking and Asset Management Group. For more than 100 years it has been fully owned and managed by the Princely House of Liechtenstein, which is also one of our biggest clients.
With around 600 employees, LGT Bank Switzerland has established itself as a renowned Swiss private bank and is an excellent address for both wealthy private clients and employees - this was also confirmed last year by the independent institute "Great Place To Work", which awarded LGT Bank Switzerland the title of one of the best employers in Switzerland.

Your challenge

Within our Strategic Recruitment & Employer Branding team, we are currently looking for a skilled Sourcing & Recruitment Coordinator who will play a pivotal role in the hiring process by providing support to the Recruitment team and ensuring the smooth execution of all recruitment activities. You will be responsible for coordinating various tasks related to candidate sourcing, maintaining accurate candidate records, scheduling interviews, and facilitating communication with candidates. This position requires a detail-oriented individual with excellent organizational and communication skills, a passion for talent acquisition, and a commitment to delivering a positive candidate experience. In this role, you will work closely with recruiters, hiring managers and other stakeholders to support recruitment initiatives.

Your responsibilities:

  • Assist in coordinating end-to-end recruitment process, from job posting through assessments, contracting to candidate onboarding

  • Ensure a seamless and efficient process for both candidates and hiring teams

  • Provide administrative support for recruitment-related duties including maintaining accurate data in the applicant tracking system (ATS)

  • Understand requirements of the business stakeholders to deliver high-quality service throughout the hiring process

  • Ensure a positive and professional candidate experience by providing timely and clear communication throughout the recruitment process

  • Define innovative and target group-oriented sourcing strategies to generate a strong pool of talents for open roles and future hiring needs

  • Utilize various channels and sourcing techniques to identify and engage potential candidates

  • Maintain and constantly enhance the internal and external talent pipelines

  • Actively participate in continuous improvement initiatives to enhance recruitment processes and optimize efficiency

Your profile

  • Bachelor’s degree in Human Resources, Business Administration, or a related field

  • At least 5 years of end-to-end recruitment experience, preferably in the Banking industry

  • Very good knowledge of MS Office and applicant tracking systems (ATS); experience in the HR system Workday is an advantage

  • Strong organizational skills with the ability to manage multiple priorities and deadlines

  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills

  • Proactive attitude with a strong attention to detail

  • Ability to maintain confidentiality and handle sensitive information with discretion

  • Fluent in German and English (minimum C1 level)

Vantaggi della LGT

La LGT promuove la diversità dei suoi dipendenti. Crediamo che una cultura aziendale inclusiva e apprezzabile sia il motore di un ambiente di lavoro eccellente e offra l'opportunità di creare un team unico e di successo. Ecco perché i nostri dipendenti possono beneficiare di molti altri vantaggi.

Famiglia e lavoro

  • Diversi modelli di lavoro flessibile  
  • Congedo sabbatico 
  • Almeno 25 giorni di ferie annuali, a seconda dell'età
  • Possibilità di usufruire di permessi speciali retribuiti  
  • Congedo di maternità e di paternità, possibilità di usufruire di ulteriore congedo parentale

La vostra salute

  • Programma di promozione della salute e del benessere dei dipendenti  
  • Classi sovvenzionate (yoga, fitness) 
  • Opzioni pasti sani 
  • Frutta fresca fornita quotidianamente

Incentivi e vantaggi

  • Sconti su prodotti e servizi bancari LGT 
  • Co-investimenti LGT 
  • Sconti su assicurazione sanitaria e immobili  
  • Piano pensionistico con opzioni personalizzate 
  • Svariate iniziative di mobilità/e-mobility  
  • Riconoscimento di importanti eventi nel corso della vita  

Crescere insieme

  • Corsi interni 
  • Corsi esterni offerti dalla Liechtenstein Academy 
  • Assistenza per la formazione esterna e il perfezionamento professionale 
  • Programmi di coaching e di mentoring 
  • Incarichi internazionali 
  • Programmi di imprenditività

Vi sentite indirizzati? Allora compilate semplicemente la domanda online. Saremo lieti di conoscervi.


Sheila Hartmann

Sheila Hartmann

HR Recruiter
LGT Gruppe Holding AG

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La trasparenza è importante per noi. Per questo motivo sul nostro sito web troverete tutto ciò che ci interessa, oltre a tutto ciò che dovreste sapere su di noi prima di incontrarci di persona, aprire un conto o candidarvi per un lavoro. Tra queste, ad esempio, la storia della Famiglia Principesca, che è strettamente intrecciata alla nostra.
