Sustainability Report 2022 Engagement and transparency

LGT believes transparency is the most effective way for clients, employees, our owner and other stakeholders to assess our progress in addressing some of the world’s most pressing challenges.

The current sustainability reporting 2023 is available at this link.


Sustainability at LGT

H.S.H. Prince Max von und zu Liechtenstein’s views

LGT began reporting on its sustainability activities in 2012. We now publish a number of annual reports, including our Sustainability Report, our Non-Financial Report and our report in accordance with the Task Force on Climate-related Disclosures (TCFD). This year, we are publishing our first global Stewardship Report.

To the reports

Sustainability strategy

LGT has gradually integrated more detail on environmental, social and governance topics into its business and investment decision-making. Our Sustainability Strategy 2030 sets targets in our business activities and across our entire product range, e.g. decarbonize portfolio and advisory mandates while optimizing return, risk and impact, so ultimately, 80 percent of assets managed on behalf of clients are managed sustainably. With the aim of increasing sustainability in portfolios, we also focus on transparency and active advice for our clients.

Our sustainability topics How we want to achieve change

Sustainable employer

How we foster sustainability in our company

Facts, figures and reports

Key facts and publications for further reading

Sustainability strategy 2030 Towards net-zero together

In 2021, LGT committed to reducing emissions in our operations and our own investments to net-zero by 2030. In 2022, we developed our Sustainability Strategy 2030, which includes and expands on this target.

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