How can we reach net zero? Partnering on ambitious goals

We want to make an active contribution to combating climate change. We can only do so by reducing our net emissions to zero. We are using various methods on the path to net zero. 

The current sustainability reporting 2023 is available at this link.

Nahaufnahme einer Koralle
Gemälde von Muscheln

Net-zero by 2030

To reach this ambitious target, we’ve set binding targets for ourselves. We have been working to improve our advice as well as our range of products and services to become more sustainable. We’ve already reached some key milestones, which you can read about in our Sustainability Report 2022, but there is still a lot more we can do on our greenhouse gas emissions. 

  • 34.8%

    of our assets under administration are invested in solutions that promote environmental or social criteria

  • -5%*

    the change in greenhouse gas emissions per employee since 2017 (2021: -59%)

  • 62%

    of our total energy consumption in 2021 was derived from renewable sources (2021: 68%)

  • 98% **

    of our workforce, in full-time equivalents (FTEs), is captured in our emission data **

*The reasons for the sharp rise in our emissions per FTE compared with 2021 were:

  • LGT began collecting and calculating the emissions from employee commuting in 2022.
  • The lifting of flight restrictions in connection with the COVID 19 pandemic

**The remainder are employed in locations too small for data to be collected. We have extrapolated their emissions based on the 98 percent of data we can capture.

Compensating and avoiding CO2 emissions

We’re working hard to lower our emissions and to use only renewable sources of energy in order to reach our net-zero 2030 target. In addition, we invest in projects that compensate unavoidable operational emissions.

Rauchende Schornsteine

Reducing our emissions

While our investments have the biggest impact, we also aim to cut the emissions from our buildings and business activities.

Regenwald in Indonesien

Compensating what we cannot cut

Offsetting our CO2 emissions in Indonesia through forest protection in Katingan

Memberships, partnerships, and pledges

LGT is proud to partner with and belong to the following organizations, initiatives, and collaborations:

Logo UN Global Compact

UN Global Compact

This worldwide pact between the UN and companies is intended to make globalization more social and ecological.

Logo UNEP Finance Initiative

Principles for Responsible Banking

The United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative is a partnership between the United Nations Environment Programme and the private financial sector.

Logo Principles for Responsible Investment

Principles for Responsible Investment

The Investor Initiative of UNEP and UN Global Compact has established the Principles for Responsible Investment and aims to implement these.

Logo Carbon Disclosure Project

Carbon Disclosure Project

The non-profit organization pursues the goal of requiring companies and municipalities to publish environmental data such as their greenhouse gas emissions or water consumption.

Sustainability - Logo SSF_de


Swiss Sustainable Finance aims to strengthen Switzerland's position as a leading voice and player in sustainable finance, contributing to a sustainable and prosperous economy.

Logo VfU


The Association for Environmental Management and Sustainability in Financial Institutions is a platform for professional discussion of strategic and practical issues related to sustainable finance.

Swiss Climate Foundation

The voluntary initiative awards contributions of between one million and three million Swiss francs for projects that benefit climate protection and attractiveness as a business location in equal measure.

Logo profawo


The association is a non-profit organization and is committed to the coordination of family/work life in Switzerland, from childcare to care for relatives.

Logo Climate Action 100+

Climate Action 100+

The investor-led initiative aims to ensure that the world's largest greenhouse gas emitters take the necessary action to combat climate change.



Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change helps investors make progress toward a carbon-neutral and sustainable future by 2030 through capital allocation and stewardship.

Logo Finance for Biodiversity Pledge

Finance for Biodiversity Pledge

98 financial institutions from 19 countries signed this appeal in 2022, committing to protect and restore biodiversity with their financial transactions and investments.

Insights into sustainability

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