
Qui trovate informazioni e storie di approfondimento su mercato monetario, azioni, obbligazioni, fondi (ETF) o anche investimenti di private equity. In questo modo potete adottare decisioni più fondate ed eventualmente ottimizzare il profilo di rischio-rendimento del vostro investimento patrimoniale.

A face can be seen in an electronic device, while in the background a poster refers to AI.
Investment strategy

How to protect yourself against AI-fuelled misinformation

Artificial intelligence makes it increasingly hard to filter information when making investment decisions. This could lead to disastrous consequences. Fortunately, there are ways to counter the AI challenge and ensure safe outcomes.
A bridge spans the water in a hilly landscape by the sea.
Investment strategy

Recession fears recede, but geopolitics looms large

The global economy has shown remarkable resilience this year, however inflation remains higher than expected, which has led to a re-evaluation of interest-rate forecasts. Turbulence in geopolitics will likely continue, posing difficulties for both financial markets and the world's economy.
Close-up of a man, chin resting on his hand, with a computer screen reflected in his glasses.
Investment strategy

Imagining multiple futures

Even Nostradamus might hesitate to make predictions about the future in today's dramatically disrupted world.
People are walking down a city street in front of a large building with columns and US flags.
Investment strategy

Are bond proxies still attractive?

Equities that behave like bonds remain interesting investments - even in a higher-for-longer interest-rate environment. If interest rates start dropping, their popularity could soar.
A person wearing a neoprene suit, swimming cap and goggles is swimming in open water at sunrise
Investment strategy

Investing in good health and well-being

Why the UN's Sustainable Development Goal No 3 offers a roadmap for corporate growth and profitability.
Eine Person steht auf einem Berg und blickt bei Sonnenuntergang in die Ferne.
Investment strategy

Beyond the horizon: a five-year capital markets outlook

Even investors with long-term goals can focus too closely on the present and miss opportunities that only develop over time. While it's particularly hard to predict the future in times like these, we can identify investment themes like sustainability and technological innovation that will drive...
Man and woman, both senior citizens, dancing in a park
Investment strategy

Changing demographics offer investment opportunities

As the global population ages, retirees will need better health and social care options, more assisted-living housing, and flexible retirement solutions. That's good news for investors.
Bird's eye view of natural water and ice streams
Investment strategy

Sustainable private finance for a greener, cleaner world

Battling climate change via the energy transition will cost trillions. But where will the financing come from? With government budgets stretched to the limit, there are excellent opportunities for private investors to help the world - and themselves.
A German flag flies, behind it, ship cranes stand in a German harbour at dusk.
Investment strategy

Can the German economy start growing again?

Once the engine of European economic growth, Germany's stuttering economy reflects fiscal risk aversion, energy challenges, and insufficient digital flexibility. Yet a strong industrial core, a growing green tech sector, and falling inflation all hold out hope for a longer-term recovery.

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