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I nostri autori approfondiscono diversi temi da prospettive sorprendenti, chiariscono i nessi e forniscono preziose informazioni di base. Lo spettro di temi va dalle strategie d'investimento passando per il lifestyle fino ad arrivare alla sostenibilità. Scegliete il tema che desta particolarmente il vostro interesse.

Investment strategy

Outlook 2025

It's been a strong year for many asset classes globally, as the global economy has demonstrated resilience in the face of continued, if moderate, inflation. Rising geopolitical risks do pose a concern, but strategic fiscal policies and a broadening earnings recovery are creating a positive...

Hofkellerei Liechtenstein

Cellaring wine - not old, just mature

Discover our wine miniseries "Sip & Sparkle" and watch sommeliers H.S.H. Princess Marie von und zu Liechtenstein and Lisa Bader smell, savour and discuss some of their favourite wines. This time, it's all about mature wines.
On a busy street in a big city at night, an electronic display shows a series of numbers.
Investment strategy

Should investors worry about ballooning government debt in advanced economies?

The quick answer is: Yes, but not necessarily in the near-term. Long-term debt sustainability is an issue, and temporary spikes in government bond yields may become more common. But it's not a reason for investors to avoid bonds altogether.
In an autumnal, barren mountain landscape, a young woman is sitting on a block of wood in a depressed posture.

How companies can support their employees' mental health

There's an alarming trend emerging in workplaces around the world: while the number of work-related accidents and illnesses has been in steady decline for a number of years now, mental health conditions are seeing a significant increase. This is due, among other things, to stress, time...

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